Home » News » New Videos Introduce IK Multimedia SampleTank 4


Inspiring new sounds, powerful sound design features, advanced groove creation and tour-ready stage optimization. SampleTank 4 is a massive upgrade, so to help you learn what’s new, IK Multimedia has put together some great videos!

The Overview trailer above gives you a quick tour of  SampleTank 4, giving you a quick highlight of everything that’s new.

Or scroll down for two in-depth videos, covering all the new sounds created and the new features more in-depth.

SampleTank 4 – the next generation of sound and groove workstation is available for pre-order now!



The Software: Re-designed and Cutting Edge

Check out this video to tour SampleTank 4’s completely re-designed new sound engine, letting you dig into even the smallest detail of music production. Find, edit, layer, mix and perform sounds faster – SampleTank 4 is the newest in world-class software.

The Sounds: New 250 GB sound library

Recorded in over 7 cities and 15 studios across the globe, SampleTank 4 adds up to 200 GB of totally new content, never before released, including the highest quality recordings of concert pianos, keyboards, guitars, bass, and much more. See why SampleTank 4 will inspire your musical journey. One sound at a time.


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