Home » News » Add Surfereq 2 Boogie To Your Music Software Collection For Free

The Plug-In Collective is back with another free piece of music software for all Focusrite hardware owners to enjoy.

This month we’ve teamed up with cutting-edge audio-software company, SoundRadix, to offer a free copy of SurferEQ 2 Boogie to all registered hardware owners.

SurferEQ 2 Boogie is a version of the popular pitch-tracking equaliser SurferEQ 2. If you’re interested in upgrading to the fully featured version, then you’ll be pleased to know that we’re also including a 25% discount code that can be used to purchase it direct from SoundRadix.

To access both the free software and the discount code, simply register a Focusrite interface or any piece of Focusrite hardware before the 3rd May 2018 (4pm UK time).

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All registered Focusrite hardware owners get regular free music software downloads courtesy of the Plug-In Collective. Explore our website and find your perfect audio interface using the link below.

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